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Focus on users' experiences, especially their emotional ones.

Tool and Methods

Visualising new ideas and customer journeys, and testing with customers and staff from day one, this approach highlights potential challenges and generates ideas to mitigate them, resulting in bigger confidence in the ideas and higher commitment to action.

To build empathy with users, a design-centric organization empowers employees to observe behavior and draw conclusions about what people want and need.

Those conclusions are tremendously hard to express in quantitative language. Instead, organizations that “get” design use emotional language (words that concern desires, aspirations, engagement, and experience) to describe products and users.

Team members discuss the emotional resonance of a value proposition as much as they discuss utility and product requirements.

pov on IT

"We need business people who understand creativity, who know when and how to use the specialist, and who can manage innovation; creative specialists who understand the environment in which their talents will be used and who can talk the same language as their clients and their business colleagues; and engineers and technologists who understand the design process and can talk the language of business."

Source: Cox, George, The Cox Review of Creativity in Business, Dec 2005

Today is about data access and processing

To squezze some value out of data requires strong capabilities

  • need to provide a seamless multichannel experience (digital and physical).
  • need to become skilled at digital-product innovation that meets changing customer expectations.
  • should better understand customer behavior using big data and advanced analytics.
  • need to improve their capabilities in automating operations and digitizing business processes.

pov on IT