We help bring new knowledge and process interventions, fresh ideas and emotion to single and multi-brand promotion to systemically deliver great design.

Our Tool

Iconic Promotion workshop:
In this module we identify ways for your brand to drive iconic promotions that build equity through artistic use of your iconic brand assets

prime prospect


Our approach

To succeed it is critical to define the challenge, specifically to be clear on who you are targeting and what you want them to do. Then we will expand the challenge into a clear, barrier lead brief reflecting the path to purchase.

Starting the workshop we will share expectations to achieve clarity on the end goal, and the process before opening the creative part of the workshop. To bring everybody on the same page we will present the background and ensure that everybody understands the path to purchase concept and the brand equity.

Individual and group execises will help us create on-pack executions that overcome the barriers filling a wall of ideas to share back, for discussion and identifying themes. Focussing on brand equity, purpose and brand heritage we will make the team understand that iconic executions are ownable. After presenting back and final discussion we will agree which ideas to illustrate and which to pursue further. This will help to give people an iconic idea and ask them to create more executions based on the same strategy.

Review all illustrated materials

Fairy Design
Fairy Design
Fairy Design
Fairy Design

visualized routes


  • Moderator leads the workshop, maintains energy, keeps to timing, keeps teams on track
  • Synthesisor spots seeds of great ideas or themes, leads the decision on which routes to pursue. Also adjusts the P2P if necessary based on the discussion being had
  • Illustrator creates fast electronic visualisations of ideas on the computer (aim here is fast capture not improvement or refinement)
  • participants generate multiple ideas against the brief (brand marketing, brand design, design agency, advertising agency ... )


From our experience we know that key issues often are

  • Briefing packaging before critical factors (eg concept or pricing strategy) are locked
  • Objectives in briefs are too generic eg lacking in purchase barriers
  • Objectives are changed throughout the design process
  • Ask for design changes unrelated to objectives or design principles
  • Signing off without meeting success criteria, and fixing on the fly

Dawn activation
Dawn activation

images by Allan Peters

Branding Art Direction Iconic Assets


Free the birds Logo
